About Me

Hello! My name is Reshma and I’m a 19 year old girl aspiring to pursue writing in my future. I started this blog when I was 13 and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My years of existence have been very different than a regular person’s and I hope they continue to be. I was born in Australia, and 15 months later, my brother was born. After 3 years my dad was offered an amazing job outside of San Francisco East Bay, California, so we moved. It was a lovely place and there was always something to do. I grew up there, attended a very academic-based school, played lots of sport, performed in musicals and even welcomed a new little sister. I lived there for 10 years and learned so much about friends, work ethic, family, and life in general.

Then, in the summer of 2015, my family travelled to England with my brother’s cricket team as they were playing in a prestigious cricket festival. My mom thought it would be a good idea to tour the school my brother was playing at where academics and well-roundedness was encouraged like my schools my parents attended in Australia.  The Head of Admissions had various conversations with me and she became more interested in me attending the school instead of my athletic brother. I was about to enter 7th grade (Year 8 in England), so I had one more year before I could attend. She offered for my two siblings and I to come to the lower school for a term in April 2016. We went back to America, and I returned to school with this proposal lingering in the back of my mind.

In March, we decided we would go because it was an opportunity too great to pass up. I packed up my bags with my family (leaving my dad behind) and left to Taunton, England after a bittersweet goodbye with all my friends. When we started school, I found it difficult to make friends but immediately loved all the sport and drama I was participating in. I was awarded drama and academic scholarships to the high school, and ultimately, that and the eventful experience we had made my family stay in England where we live now. We’ve lived here for years now, and although I miss California, I’m enjoying every bit of this experience.

Now, onto my blog. A couple of months ago, I asked myself what I wanted to do when I was older. I narrowed down all my dreams and realised they all had writing in common whether it was a journalist, lawyer, stage actress, or teacher. I created this blog to improve my writing and hopefully be noticed by other writers. A recurring theme in my writing is daily real-life experiences and issues because I think that people will relate better to the story if they can compare it to personal situations. This blog will also feature both short stories and human rights matters as I want to raise awareness on the many problems in the world. Furthermore, how we can all get together and implement practical solutions to decrease these troubles.

I called this blog “No Blank Spaces” for three reasons. Firstly, there will be no blank spaces in my writing as there will always be something important to write and read about. Second, this blog is to educate teenagers to come together and make a difference in the world, leaving no blank spaces or gaps between them, irrespective of race, color, gender, religion, or other minorities. Lastly, my favorite singer is Taylor Swift and “Blank Space” is my favorite song, so it’s befitting to name my blog this phrase.

I would love to hear your feedback and areas of enhancement in my writing, so please leave comments for me to read. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy my blog!

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